“Job Fair” isn’t that Fair to RIF’ed Teachers

On Tuesday, June 14, there will be a “Job Fair” for the teachers of Henry Clay Middle School.  The idea is to invite other schools to the campus, to facilitate new placements for the staff now that the school is going charter.

Sounds like the “personalized attention” that Mr. Mike Romero promised.

Is there a catch?  Yes.  If you are teacher with a RIF notice, you are not welcome.  Seriously, I am not exaggerating.  The Union Rep informs me that RIF’d teachers, “as of now, are not invited.”

This seems insane.  Teachers who have tenure, teachers who lack only seniority…in many cases, brilliant individuals, and we are not even letting them intermingle with potential employers.

These are the same employers that UTLA says will “open their budgets, and create new positions” as wave two of RIF recission.  The fact is…if you don’t think that there are people to hire, why would there be an impetus to “re-open” the budget?  In short…such a fair would be important networking for RIF’d teachers.  Not including them, puts the lie to a section of the tentative agreement (Wave Two, 1700 RIFs)

Our union rep has already emailed Mr. Romero, A.J. Duffy, and several others regarding this human resources gaffe.  I would hope that Mr. Duffy would step forward, and finally support the more junior members of the Union that he represents.

Stay tuned for updates, True Believers.